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Darwinia fascicularis
Erect or decumbent shrub to 0.3–2 m high. Leaves crowded, opposite or whorled, terete or almost so, 8–16 mm long, glabrous. Flowers on peduncles ≤ 1 mm long; bracts leaf-like or triangular and scarious, 2–14 mm long; bracteoles triangular or oblong, 3–5 mm long, caducous. Hypanthium 5–7 mm long, 1–1.5 mm diam. with rounded ribs. Sepals triangular, ≤ 0.5 mm long, usually toothed; up to half as long as the petals. Style straight or slightly curved, 12–18 mm long, white to red.
Rocky, open heath.
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