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Dusky Cranesbill

Geranium phaeum


It is native from southern, central, and western Europe, and is cultivated as a garden subject. It has dark violet colored flowers.


Woods in Giethoorn.

1 Species ID Suggestions

Jopy 11 years ago
Dusky Cranesbill
Geranium phaeum Geranium phaeum

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suzmonk 11 years ago

Good thoughts, Marta RubioTexeira. I feel the same way about encouraging people, I love that we all help each other learn about the organisms in the world around us. It's a journey ... whether you're an expert or just getting started.

ceejayalyssa 11 years ago

as what they say: It's not the camera; it's the photographer. :)

The MnMs
The MnMs 11 years ago

Many thanks for your nice words, ceejayalyssa! :-)
I have a humble Olympus SP-820UZ and no idea about big cameras with big objectives, different lenses and so on ...but I try my best to capture nature around me and it makes me happy when people appreciates my spottings, even if they are not so professional..and for the same reason I also like to fetch spottings from new people made with regular cameras: when well done and showing a nice piece of nature they for sure catch my attention and that of many others, here in PN. We all learn together and this is the beauty of it :-)

ceejayalyssa 11 years ago

i checked you spottings and you really have awesome and stunning photos..

The MnMs
The MnMs 11 years ago

Thanks, Sarala! :-)

very beautiful spotting, nice colours

The MnMs
The MnMs 11 years ago

Many thanks for the ID, Jopy!

The MnMs
Spotted by
The MnMs

Steenwijkerland, Overijssel, Netherlands

Spotted on Aug 10, 2013
Submitted on Sep 18, 2013

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