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Proboscis Monkey

Nasalis larvatus


Males can grow up to 20kgs, and the females, half that. Males have the largest noses, that can measure up to 7 inches in length, and is believed to help them attract females and amplify their vocalization. They are born with black fur and bright blue faces, changing to orange/brown with grey limbs.


Proboscis monkeys are found nowhere else but Borneo. They are arboreal, and feed on leaves, fruits and sometimes insects. They live near rivers, swamps, coastal mangroves and waterways, and are excellent swimmers, having partially webbed feet. Sadly, they are listed as endangered due to habitat loss and hunting. Borneo's forests are cleared for palm oil plantations, timber and human settlement.

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Sabah, Malaysia

Spotted on Apr 19, 2018
Submitted on Aug 8, 2018

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