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Schinus terebinthifolia
Huge tree, and only one of many in the park.
Brazilian Pepper is a persistent invasive in Florida, but this park, Tree Tops, is a bit of a testing ground in controlling it. The University of Florida and USDA had been testing using thrips to attack the plants, hopefully introducing a predator to thwart the pepper. https://www.local10.com/news/2019/07/16/... Local beekeepers (I've personally met two who've done this and they've implied other do) like the plant because it gives the honey a unique bite to it and is apparently helpful to allergies, unfortunately meaning not everyone is on board with eradication. More natural parks I've been to keep the pepper under control, but more recreational ones like Tree Tops and Brian Piccolo are overrun with it. It's still occasionally used for landscaping in residential areas as well.
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