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Polyommatus semiargus
Mazarine Blue (Polyommatus semiargus or Cyaniris semiargus), mating, Violetter Waldbläuling oder Rotklee-Bläuling bei der Paarung, Langnau im Emmental, Emmental, Switzerland
Quite windy and the two had nothing better to do than taking the longest culm and moving on top! Windy and top! Look at the last shot and you know what I mean. However I am happy with this experiment ... And, please, enjoy the Blue Tango!!! I have never seen this before, was quite funny and I didn't find out who was actually the lead ...
Dedicated to Daniele, the Blues Lover...
Thanks, Sigg! This one was indeed a little bit tricky and I was happy to get some decent shots.
Nicely captured, especially considering it was windy. I can't count the times I've tried to get focus during a 2 second break in the wind, only to have it start up again just as I about got the image composed.
Superb, bayucca. So delicate...