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Giant Leopard Moth - Hodges#8146

Hypercompe scribonia


Beautiful 2 inch long when resting. Blue spots found on body and blue marks on antennae. White wings with black circles.




First time seeing this moth. Pictures are two different specimen

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suzmonk 10 years ago

Sounds great ... I would go in a second.

LuckyLogan 10 years ago

That's a great name! Mine's called Moth Mania. The county park where I'm holding it is putting it in all the area news papers and all over Facebook. I have no idea what kind of people and how many people will be there.. I'm kind of nervous about it haha.

suzmonk 10 years ago

Hey, Lucky ... someone earlier tonight, I've forgotten who, referred to their mothing event as a "moth ball" ... thought that was a fun thing to call it!

beaker98 10 years ago

I'll let you know if I do. Have a great time with your event! Sounds like fun!

LuckyLogan 10 years ago

I'm hosting a mothing event for NMW so I want to get really familiar with what's out there :) If you spotted the cat, I'd love to see it!

beaker98 10 years ago

Some really nice moths you are putting up Logan. Really nice shots. This one is absolutely beautiful. I've only found their caterpillars, but never an actual moth. Nice!

Spotted by

Iowa, USA

Spotted on Jun 22, 2014
Submitted on Jun 23, 2014

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