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Northern walking stick


This was about 5 in long and had small pinchers on the back end you can't see that in the photo.

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ForestDragon 11 years ago

Nice find! this is a male Walkingstick from Genus Diapheromera. There is a good chance that this is a Northern Walkingstick but I think there are other similar species in your area so I will let you decide. The Northern Walkingsticks are the most common.

MrsPbio 11 years ago

WOW! How big (how long...) was it? It's definitely a "walking stick", or "stick insect".... but it would really help if we had more details regarding the size. :)

Sintija Valucka
Sintija Valucka 11 years ago

such a big stick insect!!
I have smaller ones (different species) as pets, but this is really big!!!

Spotted by

Kentucky, USA

Spotted on Oct 1, 2013
Submitted on Oct 1, 2013

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