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Purple Deadnettle

Lamium purpureum


The most distinctive characteristic of Purple Dead Nettle is the purple tint of the young leaves at the apex of the stem. It is often found alongside Henbit Deadnettle (Lamium amplexicaule), which is easily mistaken for it since they both have similar looking leaves and similar bright purple flowers; they can be distinguished by the stalked leaves of Red Deadnettle on the flower stem, compared to the unstalked leaves of Henbit Deadnettle.


Native to Europe and Asia. Outside of its native range, it is a common weed of cultivated areas; it is listed as an invasive species in some parts of North America.


Spotted growing on a hillside in the mountains of Ellijay, GA.

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Georgia, USA

Spotted on Apr 5, 2014
Submitted on Jun 27, 2014

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