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Looks like poison ivy


In the woods

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1 Comment

JennieDoomsday 11 years ago

Oh no, definitely not poison ivy. This would be some sort of fern, though I am not certain of which species. Beautiful fern. Do we have any botonists or pant lovers here to ID this?

By the way, here is an excellent photo reference for poison ivy, here on Noah.
There are a few different types of poison ivy, as well as certain color phases, but all of them have a cluster of precisely three tear-drop-shaped leaves at the end of each stalk coming off the main vine. The pattern is very easy to pick out. The photo at the link I provided is a shot of flowering poison ivy. It can have little white berries too.
Poison oak looks very similar, with three leaves per stalk, but with a different leaf shape.
Poison sumac can be somewhat difficult to identify, as its leaf formations look very similar to a host of harmless plants.

Spotted by

Ashton-Sandy Spring, Maryland, USA

Spotted on Oct 6, 2013
Submitted on Oct 7, 2013

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