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Dobsonflies and Fishflies

Family Corydalidae


Not quite sure what this is, we found this at work and thought it was a moth, but it had weird pincers on it and doesn't resemble any moth I've ever seen

1 Species ID Suggestions

stho002 10 years ago
Dobsonflies and Fishflies
Family Corydalidae

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1 Comment

ForestDragon 9 years ago

Hi Brandie, this looks like a species of Fishfly, Genus Chauliodes. Spring and Summer Fishflies are very similar in appearance. The color is one of the main differences (and some differences with antennae, depending on the species and sex of the insect), as well as time of flight. Please take a look at both options on this link.

My guess is that this is more likely a Summer Fishfly, but without clearer images, I can't say 100%. Hope this helps!

Spotted by

Michigan, USA

Spotted on Jul 3, 2014
Submitted on Jul 3, 2014

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