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Scamandra Planthopper

Scamandra polychroma


At first, I thought this Hopper was being attacked by the Ants but according to our Guide, the Ants are actually feeding off the Hopper.


Pic #3, #4 and #5 are of another similar Planthopper which I was able to get very close-up to have better pictures of this beauty with red eyes.

1 Species ID Suggestions

The MnMs
The MnMs 10 years ago
Scamandra polychroma
Scamandra polychroma Visions of Mulu « Borsamulu Resort Sdn Bhd

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AlbertKang 10 years ago

Thanks, @bayucca and @Marta for the ID.

The guide did said they produce honeydew which Ants and Cockroaches will feeds from, but he wasn't sure why this Hopper do that and what benefits it gets from providing food to other insects :D

I saw quite a few of this, but all during night walk.

The MnMs
The MnMs 10 years ago

Albert: I found the ID (see above) and indeed they produce honeydew. Cool spotting!

The MnMs
The MnMs 10 years ago

So the hopper is in this sense like an aphid, meaning that it provides some substance that the ants like feeding from? if so, is very interesting! :-)

bayucca 10 years ago

Fulgoridae, Fulgorid Planthopper.

Spotted by


Spotted on Jun 28, 2014
Submitted on Jul 6, 2014

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