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Coconut Case Caterpillar

Mahasena corbetti


This caterpillar was moving around with that rolled leaf. They are a real pest for coconut- and oil plantations in SE Asia. From the family Psychidae: case-bearers or bagworms.


Around the house


Thanks to those who showed me the right direction to ID!

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JoeHartman 11 years ago

Thanks all. You have directed me the right way and I searched and found the typical bagworm for Thailand, Malaysia and more SE Asia: Coconut Case Caterpillar. It fits as the damage shown on palms is identical to the damage I have in my only palm in the garden. It seems to be a real pest for plantations.

bayucca 11 years ago

Yes, Psychidae, Bagworm. Might also be the flightless female.

SharonMagner 11 years ago

Probably some kind of Bagworm. They take whatever they can find and build protective cases around them in which they can hide.

DanielaRivera 11 years ago

I think it's making a cocoon

Spotted by

จังหวัดอุดรธานี, Thailand

Spotted on Sep 17, 2012
Submitted on Oct 14, 2013

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