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Oak Apple


I believe this is a Oak Apple, or Oak Gall? I have found many in the past few years and don't know how to classify them. Please help me identify this.


Wooded area

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1 Comment

ForestDragon 10 years ago

Cool find! This is indeed an Oak gall. This particular gall is created by a type of wasp. Did you happen to open it up to see what it looked like inside? There are a couple of options for this. Here is the Bug Guide page for Genus Amphibolips, which is most likely the type of wasp that made this gall:
It's very likely Amphibolips quercusinanis, Larger Empty Oak Apple Wasp.

This spotting belongs in the Arthropods section. You could also add this to a couple of missions!
Arthropod Galls of the North East:
Animal Architecture mission:
New England Arthropods:

:-) I hope this helps!

Spotted by

Needham, Massachusetts, USA

Spotted on Jul 15, 2014
Submitted on Jul 16, 2014

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