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Unnamed spotting

1 Species ID Suggestions

lori.tas 13 years ago
Black-backed Jackal
Canis mesomelas Black-backed Jackal

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lori.tas 13 years ago

Clearly I missed my calling as a taxonomist. ;)

peter 13 years ago

And it makes you an invaluable source of information to the community!

lori.tas 13 years ago

Ask, and you shall receive. In case anyone thinks I know all these animals by heart, I don't. I'm just good at looking at an image and thinking "jackal" which then paired with "serengeti" and typed into Google Images gets me the info in record time.

jpdionne 13 years ago

Unfortunatly, I don't know! I hope the community will be able to help me on this one. It is a "fox" encountered at the Masai Mara National Park.

peter 13 years ago

Woah awesome, what is it?

Spotted by

Rift Valley, Kenya

Spotted on Aug 16, 2009
Submitted on Feb 7, 2011

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