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Powdery Sulfur Bolete/ Ravenel's Bolete

Pulveroboletus ravenelii


Cap, ca. 2.5-inch diameter; bright yellow, not sticky, bruises blue. Evidence of a bright yellow veil/ring. Flesh stains pale blue when cut. Cap becomes dull/pale yellow with age, with some small orange patches. Pore surface. Pale yellow, angular pores, 2-3/mm; strain blue when bruised. Stipe. Yellow with chalky surface that comes off on fingers when picked; ca. 0.5-inch diameter. Some blue staining at base when cut. Yellow staining with both KOH (3%) and NH4OH. Spore print. Olive-brown. Spores: ca. 9-10µ x 3-5µ


Growing by a trail in a mixed hardwood/pine woods.


Formerly Boletus ravenelii

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Winder, Georgia, USA

Spotted on Aug 25, 2016
Submitted on Aug 31, 2016

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