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Dendrocygna autumnalis
Is a whistling-duck that breeds from the southernmost United States and tropical Central to south-central South America. The Black-bellied Whistling-duck is an unusual species among North American waterfowl and is not considered to be of conservation concern.
The habitat is quiet shallow freshwater ponds, lakes, and marshes, cultivated land or reservoirs with plentiful vegetation, where this duck feeds mainly at night on seeds and other plant food.
These ducks ware photographed at the Barranquilla zoo. This ones are babies, and when they grow up they will look like this: http://www.projectnoah.org/spottings/568...
Yes you are right, large aperture/less depth of field, I just checked and it was f:5.6
Your welcome! The larger your aperture (5.6 and less) the more the foreground is in focus and background blurs. A small aperture (11-16 or so) gives greater depth of field so more of the photo will be in focus.
Hard learned facts... flickr is a great place to learn about photography.
Thank you Gale! I didn't know about that term!
Great photo!!! Love the symmetry and bokeh (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bokeh)... great term learned it from flickr!
I'm not sure! I thought they were native to North America, and just have a really long range...
No, I have not seen the juveniles, thanks! I know they are not native to Florida but have naturalized from Mexico I believe.