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Gentian Noddingcaps

Triphora gentianoides


Unassuming native terrestrial orchids. Some popped up in my backyard this year, and I've been noticing them throughout the neighborhood, and in this observation, my dad's neighborhood. There were far more than just this observation, with little patches in between the two fig trees, one cluster being the thickest I have ever seen to date.


Leaf litter under a fig tree.


I suspect they will be going dormant soon. I don't see many young ones anywhere anymore, all tend to be around that tall and flowering, and one I took to put in a terrarium has gone dormant after a crazy amount of growth, more than any I've seen in the wild. These orchids are also found in tropical climates, and from what I've seem in the terrarium, I assume they thrive best in the topics.

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Florida, USA

Spotted on Jun 21, 2020
Submitted on Jun 23, 2020

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