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Melanerpes formicivorus
They are a medium-sized woodpecker. The adult male has a red cap starting at the forehead, whereas females have a black area between the forehead and the cap, so I guess this is a female. The white neck, throat and forehead patches are distinctive identifiers. Acorn Woodpeckers like many other species are threatened by habitat loss and degradation. Competition for nest cavities by non-native species is an ongoing threat in urbanized areas.
Their habitat are forested areas from the southwestern United States to Colombia.
There are 3 of them (and some other species) who always come to my balcony looking for some fruits. I live in a forest area of my city and I get to see a lot of birds, but this was the first time in my life I saw a woodpecker.
She is beautiful! Great photo!
Sometimes pets show up because people categorized them as "mammals", but when they get re-categorized as "pets", they stop showing up. I'm sorry it has to be like that, that picture is really cute, but if you want your friend to see it, you can give her the link to your spotting :)
I never saw it in the "All spottings", but I did find it in the Pets category. I thought even cats used to show up first in the "All Spottings" I thought this picture was cute, but no one is going to notice it where it is. I put it up for a friend, but I found it and know where it is Thanks to you. Alice
Hi Alice, what do you mean? You can't find it in your spottings or you never saw it in the "All spottings" section?
I see you upload it again, if you are wondering why it didn't show up, remember pictures categorized as "pets" will not appear in the "all spottings" section. But you can go to "Organisms" on the top of this page, and then you will see "Search all wildlife worldwide" on the left side of the page, click there and it would drop a menu, where you can click the Pets icon and all the submitted pets will appear. Is that for what you were looking for? Let me know :)
Sorry to put this on your picture, but I do not know how to reach Peter. Picture 106, my last one has never gotten into the system, or at least I cannot find it. The Kitten with the Martini. Could someone check to see why it won't take and let me know that it is up. Thank You Carolina
She*, it has a black area between the forehead and the cap, so it is a female :)
he was probably looking for a place to put acorns
I thought so haha