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Sunfish; Bluegill

Lepomis macrochirus


Fished out of a river or lake by a neighbours grandchildren using nets while out in the country and put in his swimming pool. The neighbour asked if we wanted them in our newly dug rain-filled pond, or he would throw them out with the rubbish. That was two years ago and they were about 2" (5 cm) long, now they are 3-4 times that size. One died but the other 3 are surviving along with another different one which is bigger and camera shy. They don't want to know about fish food but take occasional worms I throw in and the big one jumps out after dragonflies.


garden pond

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lindistar 13 years ago

And I really like the one with the leaves floating on the surface and reeds/plants beneath , nice colours

lindistar 13 years ago

Very good photos, look very clear even through all that murky pond water!

Llíria, Comunitat Valenciana, Spain

Spotted on Mar 30, 2011
Submitted on Mar 31, 2011

Spotted for Mission

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