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Eastern Tent Caterpillars

Malacosoma americanum


The Eastern Tent Caterpillar is a univoltine, social species that forms communal nests in the branches of trees. It is sometimes confused with the gypsy moth, or the fall webworm and may be erroneously referred to as a bagworm which is the common name applied to unrelated caterpillars in the family Psychidae. The moths oviposit almost exclusively on trees in the plant family Rosaceae, particularly cherry (Prunus) and apple (Malus). The caterpillars are hairy with areas of blue, white, black and orange. The blue and white colors are structural colors created by the selective filtering of light by microtubules that arise on the cuticle.

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maplemoth662 6 years ago

Your welcome, SarahWhitt....I love caterpillars....LOL

SarahWhitt 6 years ago

Thanks, maplemoth.....These caterpillars make my skin crawl...LOL

maplemoth662 6 years ago

A beautiful photo....

SarahWhitt 9 years ago

Yeah, Iam3164, it is a bunch! It's creepy, I think. :0

Savannah Martin
Savannah Martin 9 years ago

Wow! That is a lot of caterpillars!

AmyPietras 13 years ago

this is beautiful

LindsyCarranza 13 years ago

I was always afraid they were all gonna fall on me LOL

Carolina 13 years ago

But it's beautiful! I have never seen something like this before! Although, it's true it's kinda scary too.

LindsyCarranza 13 years ago

I remember these when I was growing up. They were everywhere where I lived at the time, they are creepy!

SarahWhitt 13 years ago

I know! Gives me the creeps looking at them!

Spotted by

Ohio, USA

Spotted on Apr 21, 2011
Submitted on Apr 21, 2011

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