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Climacocystis Borealis

Climacocystis borealis


Fruiting bodies were white with some yellow around the margin of the cap, which comes with age. It was very hairy and soft. The pores were white with irregular and angular pore openings.


Growing on top of a pine stump in a coniferous forest.


This fungus is saprophytic and parasitic. It causes butt rot and root rot of conifers, and it continues as a saprobe on dead roots and stumps.

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Christine Y.
Christine Y. 6 years ago

Thank you! The cap was as soft as velvet, and the pores felt so spongy - like a sea sponge!

flowntheloop 6 years ago


Christine Y.
Spotted by
Christine Y.

Connecticut, USA

Spotted on Sep 29, 2017
Submitted on Jan 7, 2018

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