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Geranium robertianum


Some 40 to 50 cm tall herbaceous plant, with deeply dissected leaves. It also produces erect flowering stems, often reddish, with small (not more than 14 - 15 mm in diameter), pink, five-petaled terminal flowers.


A very common plant in woodlands of Europe. Here, observed in a Natural Reserve of Bois du Faisan, on banks of a river in a mainly deciduous-tree forest close to Geneva.


The Robert-Herb is reputed edible; and finds many uses as medicinal plant - as a herbal tea, it was used as a treatment against dysentery and some internal hemorrhages. Its essential oil is antiseptique. The plant was also used against the toothache, and in controlling the diabetes...

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Zlatan Celebic
Spotted by
Zlatan Celebic

Genève, Switzerland

Spotted on May 6, 2018
Submitted on May 7, 2018

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