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Mirror orchid

Ophrys speculum subsp. speculum


.Ophrys speculum, the mirror orchid, is a species of Ophrys distributed throughout the Mediterranean that is pollinated exclusively by a single species of scoliid wasp. It is pollinated exclusively by the wasp Dasyscolia ciliata. Males are lured by the flower, which resembles the female wasp. The flower and wasp are both hairy and the blue patch on the lip appears to mimic the reflection of the sky on the wasp's wings.


Ophrys speculum subsp. speculum - The plant diffusion is circum-Mediterranean (Morocco and the Iberian Peninsula to Anatolia and Lebanon), characterized by dark petals and a lobe from the lip moderately convex, with marginal brownish hairs

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Θεσσαλία - Στερεά Ελλάδα, Greece

Spotted on Apr 23, 2020
Submitted on Apr 23, 2020

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