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Pogona, aka Bearded dragon

Pogona barbata

1 Species ID Suggestions

lori.tas 13 years ago
Pogona, aka Bearded dragon
Pogona sp Eastern bearded dragon

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Neil Ross
Neil Ross 10 years ago

Thanks. He's smiling in the second photo.

Christiane 10 years ago

If you want to link it to your spotting I would be very happy..

Neil Ross
Neil Ross 10 years ago

Oh I can just see that... and hear it!! Poor Boof. Would you mind if I linked to this spotting? It is so unique, and shows the species in way many would never have seen. I find it quite captivating.

Christiane 10 years ago

:) Boof had one hanging on this nose once.. $ 200 Vet bill..

Neil Ross
Neil Ross 10 years ago

A mate I was living with some years ago had a couple of foxies, and they were the same with blue tongues and possums. But like yourself, I rescued many. My cats have a stand-off with the blue tongues, but it always 'look but don't touch'. They'd know if one latched on, that's for sure. This is an awesome photo, Chris. I have never seen the teeth so clearly. They would do some damage!

Christiane 10 years ago

Thanks Neil.. Sadly I can not get my dog to love this guys.. but I have rescued most of them.. :)

Neil Ross
Neil Ross 10 years ago

Brilliant, Chris. I've never had to get close enough to hold one. Great spotting, and I'm glad you were there to rescue it. This fellow's species is P. barbata.

Scott Frazier
Scott Frazier 12 years ago

DST, please if you agree with a species that has already been suggested do not suggest it again. Simply click the + sign (on the +1 or the +2, etc) on the first suggestion.

DST 12 years ago


Christiane 12 years ago

Big smile for the camera... :D

KarenL 12 years ago

Pogona has a lovely smile! :)

CarolSnowMilne 12 years ago

Smile! HA! Open wide. HA! LOL! Great! :)

Christiane 12 years ago

Thanks Guys..

dedes 12 years ago

amazing! great series

sciguy617 12 years ago

Wow I have ever seen one with that color nice find!

Christiane 13 years ago

Great another one with a name!! Pogona lives in the Iron bark tree,,

Spotted by

Queensland, Australia

Spotted on Dec 11, 2010
Submitted on May 11, 2011

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