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Pogona barbata
Oh I can just see that... and hear it!! Poor Boof. Would you mind if I linked to this spotting? It is so unique, and shows the species in way many would never have seen. I find it quite captivating.
A mate I was living with some years ago had a couple of foxies, and they were the same with blue tongues and possums. But like yourself, I rescued many. My cats have a stand-off with the blue tongues, but it always 'look but don't touch'. They'd know if one latched on, that's for sure. This is an awesome photo, Chris. I have never seen the teeth so clearly. They would do some damage!
Thanks Neil.. Sadly I can not get my dog to love this guys.. but I have rescued most of them.. :)
Brilliant, Chris. I've never had to get close enough to hold one. Great spotting, and I'm glad you were there to rescue it. This fellow's species is P. barbata.
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