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Silver Argiope

Argiope argentata


This spider was seen while I was visiting Gilma in San Ramon, Costa Rica. Argiope argentata is a member of the Argiope genus of spiders and is also known as the Silver Argiope. As with most members of the Argiope genus the female of the species tends to be much larger than the male. The body of Argiope argentata tends to be primarily silver with brown and orange colorations further back on the abdomen on the top, with a primarily brown underbelly. The legs have bands of orange, black and silver. The female can be up to 35mm in length whereas the male tends to be 20mm or less.

1 Species ID Suggestions

bayucca 10 years ago
Silver Argiope
Argiope argentata Argiope argentata

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pamsai 10 years ago

hehehe, thanks Gilma, but it will be awhile! Nothing is working - phone, internet, me! Seem to have to start all over again with everything when I return after a long absence! But at least we are having no power cuts at the moment... It was 6 - 10 hours a day before I left!

pamsai!! You finally in India!! Looking forward to all your spottings, Pura Vida!!

pamsai 10 years ago

In the process of removing, Torston, but having internet problems as I just arrived back in India and nothing is working well. Please give me a little time...

tmvdh 10 years ago

Dear Pam, could you please remove all photos of spiders and scorpions added to my mission?

Spotted by

Costa Rica

Spotted on Oct 24, 2013
Submitted on Oct 30, 2013

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