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Common Green Darner Dragonfly


Very large blue and brown/black dragonfly with green face and thorax, mating "wheel-style" with a green female.


North Pond, Chicago, IL


I could use some help with a definitive ID of this species. I used this resource: (Clicking on URL results in a PDF downloading) of Illinois dragonflies. Of the three large blue dragonflies on the .pdf, I eliminated Eastern Pondhawk because they don't have the dark marks on the tail and I eliminated the Blue Dasher because my specimen doesn't have a brown and yellow striped throax. Leaving the Canada Darner, which looked pretty similar, but not exactly the same. Can anyone help me out? Edit: Okay, further poking seems to show me that it's actually a Common Green Darner. Yes? Can anyone verify that for me?

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Kymberlee Ricke
Spotted by
Kymberlee Ricke

Chicago, Illinois, USA

Spotted on May 10, 2011
Submitted on May 12, 2011

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