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Fraxinus excelsior


Deciduous tree, widely distributed over central Europe. Often found on calcareous soils. I included additional pictures showing some characteristic features of ash. 2# bark of a mature tree 5# bark of a young tree


Some Mythology: In the 13th century Edda and other writing relating to Norse mythology, a mythological ash tree called Yggdrasil serves as the center of the world. Its roots were anchored in the abyss of the underworld, and watered by the streams of wisdom and faith. Its trunk was supported by the earth, while its crown touched the arc of heaven (source: Wikipedia).

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1 Comment

mbelasko 13 years ago

I invite you to see my ash trees.

Meik Meißner
Spotted by
Meik Meißner

Göttingen, Niedersachsen (Landmasse), Germany

Spotted on May 31, 2011
Submitted on May 31, 2011

Spotted for Mission

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