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Lavandula multifida


Lavender plant in bloom with flowers on tall spikes. The leaf texture along with its pollinator attracting abilities are shown in the third picture.


Butterfly Garden


Multiple use plant. Lavender is used as an herb, in aromatherapy, and it attracts pollinators.

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alicelongmartin 13 years ago

It did, I now have this same Lavender in my garden. Thanks to you.

1Sarah2 13 years ago

It had a plant tag by it (from the store) which was no help at all. It says lavender and the picture on it is simply not same lavender that was in the ground. After looking around, I have updated the species of the entry. I hope this helps!

alicelongmartin 13 years ago

Did you plant this Lavender and if you did what variety is it called.? It would be nice in my Butterfly garden. I have plenty of bees.

Spotted by

Madeira Beach, Florida, USA

Spotted on Jun 20, 2011
Submitted on Jun 21, 2011

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