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Green darner dragonfly

Anax junius Drury

Species ID Suggestions

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MarieHyrule 13 years ago

Thanks! I'm not sure, either. It was about 3 feet from the top of my head. I was only able to get two photos of it before it flew away. I have seen several of the same around the area. If I see anymore, I'll be sure to photograph the areas you specified and post. :-) Thanks for the help!

MichaelFulbright 13 years ago

Cool picture, but I'm not so sure that it is a Darner. The pattern on it's wingtips suggest that it could be one of the king skimmers (Genus Libellula.) If you have any pics of the head or thorax of this dragonfly, I can ID it to species for you.

Spotted by

Minden, Louisiana, USA

Spotted on Mar 18, 2008
Submitted on Jun 19, 2011

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