A worldwide community photographing and learning about wildlife
Leptiglossus sp.
This insect was a real mover. It is about 3 cm long. It has a shield on it's back and an arrow. Large strong legs.
Small plants in the meadows here.
He didn't keep still and wanted to hide away from the nosy photographer. This looks like a leaf-footed bug on BugGuide.com. though it seems a little thinner. It could also be an assassin bug.
Cool! I wasn't sure what type of insect it was when I took the photo. In fact until I became aware of Project Noah I had many pictures of insects, flowers, plants and bird's that were a puzzle to me. Books are so expensive on the flora and fauna of Madagascar and probably many other countries. Thanks for your spottings and comments and ID's AshishNimkar and other Project Noah friends.
Yes in India too seen..!!
Isn't it amazing to see similar looking insects 1/2 way around the world?
It looks like my Leaf-footed bug in FL.