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Red-bellied Woodpecker (Male adult)

Melanerpes carolinus


This male Red-Headed Woodpecker liked this spot on this bird feeder. He visits about every 4 hours and prefers green grapes and strawberries over oranges, peaches, and purple grapes. He spends about 2 or 3 minutes selecting a piece of fruit from the suet basket and then stabs it and carries it off.


This bird would go all over the backyard trees, which there are many, and do a few pecks at the bark. Then randomly, he would swoop down and get a bit of fruit from the suet feeder.

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HeatherMiller 13 years ago

Yeah, he actually has a strawberry on his beak, in the first picture. In the 6th picture, he has a green grape.

ScottRasmussen 13 years ago

I really like the way he's eyeing that strawberry.

Spotted by

Valparaiso, Florida, USA

Spotted on Jul 17, 2011
Submitted on Jul 17, 2011

Spotted for Mission

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