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Harlequin sweetlips

Plectorhinchus chaetodonoides


Harlequin sweetlips (Plectorhinchus chaetodonoides), also known as Clown sweetlips or Spotted Sweetlips, is a saltwater fish that actually changes colors over its lifetime. The juvenile Harlequin sweetlips has a brown or tan base covered with large white spots with darker margins and have a lot of similar characteristics as a Clownfish. As the Harlequin Sweetlips grows older its whole body turns white, and it develops black dots.


Coral reefs in the Indopacific Ocean.

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Benno Ibold
Spotted by
Benno Ibold

الغردقة, البحر الأحممر, Egypt

Spotted on Aug 14, 2006
Submitted on Aug 24, 2014

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