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Cervus canadensis

1 Species ID Suggestions

1Sarah2 13 years ago
Cervus canadensis Elk

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JavierSalazar 13 years ago

Sounds good!

1Sarah2 13 years ago

There is some common name issue going on. What is called an elk in some places is called a moose in others. This happens with other animals as well. It is just the first time that I have run into it. I am going to add a species identification suggestion because that is the easiest format to get exactly what I mean across.

JavierSalazar 13 years ago

Thanks Sarah! It could totally be, I'm no expert, if you're confident I'll change it.

1Sarah2 13 years ago

Hi Javier! These are some lovely photos. I will admit to living nowhere near Alberta, but this spotting just seems to be more in the caribou/elk family to me.
Anyway, welcome to Project Noah and good luck!

Spotted by

Jasper, Alberta, Canada

Spotted on Oct 3, 2008
Submitted on Aug 19, 2011

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