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American Black Bear

Ursus americanus


Black bears are the smallest of North American bears, but are still large animals. Fur is usually black in our area, but may also be brown and I've seen individuals with a white chest patch. Snouts are brownish tan. Nose is black as are eyes (although I've seen black bears with bluish eyes).


Forests and forest edges, although black bears sometimes leave forested areas to forage in grasslands and may even be found in suburban areas.


I was watching a flock of sandhill cranes feeding in an agricultural area of Crex Meadows State Wildlife Area in northwest Wisconsin, when this black bear charged out of the deeper grass and ran right through the flock of sandhills. I'm not convinced he was trying to catch a crane. After they flushed, he stopped and looked around, then started running again towards a fringe of forest in the background. Still, if one had lingered behind, I wonder if he wouldn't have charged it. This isn't the best photo in the world, but I just found it to be an interesting experience and thought you all would find it interesting as well.

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Gordon Dietzman
Gordon Dietzman 13 years ago

That may have been the case, Alice. Bears are the biggest animals around in this part of the country and they pretty much get their way....grin.

alicelongmartin 13 years ago

The Bear wanted to be in charge of the grazing rights!

Gordon Dietzman
Spotted by
Gordon Dietzman

Wisconsin, USA

Spotted on Aug 18, 2011
Submitted on Aug 22, 2011

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