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14 Spot Ladybird

propylea 14-punctata


with two 7 spot ladybirds - coccinella septempunctata


So many ladybirds we had to be careful not to tread on them. Mostly 7 spot. Saw quite a few that had been squashed :-(

Species ID Suggestions

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Banstie 13 years ago

ID confirmed through iSpot

Banstie 13 years ago

I'm not convinced yet it's a harlequin as firstly quite small and secondly I'm sure I've seen these here in the UK since my childhood. I shall ask Harlequin survey or Opal for an id.

LauraMaria 13 years ago

The left-most one on the picture I think is a harlequin ladybug, which is an invasive species here in the UK! They eat the larvae of other species. Ladybugs are called ladybirds in the UK as a quick clarification for others. If you want more info, check out the website for the harlequin ladybird survey:

MykhayloArtamonov 13 years ago


Spotted by

Nottingham, England, United Kingdom

Spotted on Aug 14, 2011
Submitted on Aug 21, 2011

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