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Blackwood Acacia

Acacia melanoxylon


Tall upright tree with elongated leaves that are slightly twisted. On the leaves, new leaves grow from the tip but are pinnate and fall off rather quickly. Purple/red buds at ends of twigs that bloom into yellow balls of flowers in March. Seeds emerge brown along with dead leaves nearby forming a twisted cluster of seed pods. Rough bark on trunk while branches are slightly smoother. New trees are primarily the pinnate leaves with some of the long single twisted leaves as seen in the second image.


Full sun with minimal watering along side other trees of this species causing a barrier at the end of the property.

1 Species ID Suggestions

HemaShah 12 years ago
Wait a bit tree
Acacia greggii

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CindyBinghamKeiser 12 years ago

Hello, this Acacia tree FINALLY bloomed! The second image shows the yellow flowers. ID?

CindyBinghamKeiser 12 years ago

Hi Emma, I don't believe it's A. greggii. The leaves look wrong and mine doesn't have that inflorescence. The seed pods look wrong too.
It resembles the Black Acacia but my tree still hasn't bloomed to prove that it's that tree.

CindyBinghamKeiser 13 years ago

Great link Craig! It looks quite similar to the Black acacia although I still have yet to see my tree bloom.

craigwilliams 13 years ago

Yes, you're right, definitely an Acacia Cindy. It's one of the species with phyllodes (flattened petioles that function like leaf blades) Maybe this link could be helpful........?

CindyBinghamKeiser 13 years ago

This tree is really weird! I just uploaded another image of a young tree that started growing next to it with two different leaves on the same tree. Any help ID'ing is very much appreciated.

CindyBinghamKeiser 13 years ago

I've updated this spotting. New leaf growth has started and it's happening on already existing leaves (see first image).

CindyBinghamKeiser 13 years ago

I think this is an Acacia. Any experts out there?

Escondido, California, USA

Spotted on Aug 30, 2011
Submitted on Aug 30, 2011

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