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Arun 10 years ago

@medusasnakes123 !! what happen ;)

medusasnakes123 10 years ago


Arun 13 years ago

Thanks for your info @dandoucette !!!

Dan Doucette
Dan Doucette 13 years ago

I have more experience with land leeches than I would have ever imagined or cared for! There is an interesting link in my notes and the comment thread in this spotting.

Dan Doucette
Dan Doucette 13 years ago

This should be in the 'Other' category. I wasn't sure where it should be placed either but just found this 'Leeches have straight digestive tubes, like both annelids and arthropods. But all leeches have a clittelum, a structure never found in arthropods. The clitellum is a modified part of the body wall which secretes a cocoon around newly produced offspring. The presence of the clittelum keeps leeches in the annelid phylum, despite their many arthropod characteristics.

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Spotted on Sep 10, 2011
Submitted on Sep 11, 2011

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