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Berger's Colias

Colias croceus


The uppersides of the wings are golden yellow to orange with a broad black margin on all four wings and a black spot near the center of the forewing. These butterflies usually perch with their wings closed, so the black margin on the upperside of the wings is hardly visible. The underside lacks the black edges and is paler, with a more greenish tint, particularly on the forewings. On the underside of the forewings is the same dark spot as on the upperside, but often with a pale centre; the underside of the hindwings has a white central spot, often with a smaller white or dark spot immediately above it. Sometimes a row of black spots appears on the outer margins of the underwings, corresponding to where the black edge on the upperside ends. Females are told from males by having yellow spots along the black edges on the upperside.


Estas mariposas pueden vivir en cualquier área abierta en el campo, incluyendo tierras bajas , acantilados costeros y campos que contienen las plantas hospedantes de la oruga, a una altitud de hasta 1.600 metros.

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eulalia rubio
Spotted by
eulalia rubio

Bejís, Valencian Community, Spain

Spotted on Jul 29, 2024
Submitted on Jul 29, 2024

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