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Papyrus plant (Cyperus papyrus)

Cyperus papyrus


@ Orto Botanico Roma

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DanielePralong 10 years ago

Congratulations Matthijs! Your spotting has been chosen for today's Fun Fact!
"A native of Africa, Madagascar, and some Mediterranean countries papyrus is a member of the sedge family and is also called papyrus sedge, paper reed, Indian matting plant, Nile grass. It is nearly extinct in its native habitat in the Nile Delta, where in ancient times it was widely cultivated and used for making papyrus paper by the ancient Egyptians. Parts of it can be eaten, and the highly buoyant stems can be made into boats but it is primarily used as a decorative plant today."

Spotted by

Roma, LAZ, Italy

Spotted on Sep 15, 2011
Submitted on Sep 15, 2011

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