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1 Species ID Suggestions

No common name
Mythicomyia sp. Family Mythicomyiidae - BugGuide.Net

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CindyBinghamKeiser 13 years ago

LOL, yes I recently taught my kids about assume :) I agree with andyarct, you have a great series!

andyarct 13 years ago

Whatever it is, it's a beautiful bug. I love those eyes! Great series of photos!

Ric2 13 years ago

Do not follow the link in the previous comment. the link is

Ric2 13 years ago

Thank you, Cindy Bingham Keiser, I looked again on the internet and found one reference for this insect at Insect It is indeed a fly. As described, it is a small house fly. Order: Diptera, Family: Muscidae, Genus: Fannia, Species: spp. I assumed (and we all know what happens when one assumes) it was a mosquito because it was in the presence of several female mosquitos.

CindyBinghamKeiser 13 years ago

Hi Ric2, I think this is a fly, not a mosquito. I have a spotting that's similar at Unfortunately this fly doesn't seem to be well documented. The link to BugGuide doesn't specifically say that fly is in New Mexico but it's on either side of you.

Spotted by

Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA

Spotted on Jul 30, 2011
Submitted on Sep 17, 2011

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