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Tylogonus sp (posible)
Very small spider abou 0,8 cm, I found this in Caño Palma Canal, Tortuguero area.
Take a look at this green Bagheera spider http://salticidae.org/salticid/diagnost/...
Hi Jonathan! If you are happy with ID Karen has suggested please can you add the common & scientific names in edit so this can come off of the unidentified list. Thanks!
Unbelievably long chelicerae (the spider's fold-able fangs that are used for hunting)
Thanks Ashish but I think we should thank 8BitFinch for the clue. Honestly I just checked following his reference and got the bugguide page..
Wow...Raiyan... Nice work... Its his jaw part (Embolus) what is longer as per Bugguide link.
Its a beautiful jumper for sure. Apart from the metallic green cast on the abdomen it indeed looks like a Male Bagheera Prosper. But, it could well be some other Bagheera Sp. Check out this link..
Yes.. Jonathan...It will be a great learning lesson for me...may be everyone..