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jewel beetle, metallic wood-boring beetle

Cyphogastra sp.


A metallic wood-boring beetle, of the very large family Buprestidae, genus Cyphogastra. There are about 111 species in the genus, 44 in Papua. Many are metallic green so I've settled on the genus only. "The larger and more spectacularly colored jewel beetles are highly prized by insect collectors." Some species are serious pests. [See the images on: ]


Spotted on Bougainvillea and Stachytarpheta mutabilis in a large semi-urban yard & garden next to a disturbed remnant patch of forest in the equatorial tropics of northern New Guinea.


"Newly emerged adults will have a coating of yellow wax dust, which obscures their metallic colors until worn off. This wax is only secreted once and often mistaken for pollen."

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Scott Frazier
Scott Frazier 11 years ago

Thank you Cindy, RoseMallow & Miguel!

Diaz José Miguel
Diaz José Miguel 11 years ago

Great! some beetles (including this one I spotted have that yellowish "dust", would you happen to know what that is?

RoseMallow 11 years ago

soooooo epic

What an interesting looking beetle. Great colors!

Scott Frazier
Scott Frazier 11 years ago

Thanks, Jeff!

JeffCrocombe 11 years ago

Very cool indeed!

Scott Frazier
Spotted by
Scott Frazier


Spotted on Nov 12, 2013
Submitted on Nov 12, 2013

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metallic wood-boring beetle, jewel beetle jewel beetle, metallic wood-boring beetle Jewel beetle or Metalic Wood boring Beetle Jewel Beetle (Buprestidae)

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