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Red Fox

Vulpes vulpes


red foxes

1 Species ID Suggestions

Red fox
Vulpes vulpes

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mcdanke89 11 years ago

Red taled fox I think

joanna_alexandria 12 years ago

I love these pictures. We have red foxes in our backyard every sunset and sunrise. They have those little white tipped feet and white tipped tail. They move faster than a cat or dog. Foxes have a very unique gate (walk).

EmilyMarino 12 years ago

I think it's interesting the one has white feet! Great series!

Apple 12 years ago

You should consider adding them to the Urban Biodiversity mission.

KarenL 13 years ago

Nice series! Photo 3 is great - maybe you could crop the image & bring it to the front?
We had lots of urban foxes in the UK too, they weren't tame but very adaptable & opportunistic. My brother had a family of red foxes living under his shed - they used to come out during the day & 'sunbathe' on the roof!

MickGrant 13 years ago

I would suggest changing you spotting date to Sept 2009 -

MickGrant 13 years ago

Interesting are they semi-tame!

FerasArnawot 13 years ago

I think they just wanna play , they spend the next 15 min teasing each other !

Ava T-B
Ava T-B 13 years ago

Those are ANGRY ears!

It seems they aren't happy to see each other

Spotted by

Charlottetown, Canada

Spotted on Nov 3, 2010
Submitted on Oct 3, 2011

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