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Pennate Diatom

Genus: Pinnularia


Rural SW Pennsylvania

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Elton_Wizard 12 years ago

Arbybee ... Yep, since I retired I am having the time of my life. Don't tell anyone but in addition to my microscopes I have an astronomical observatory in my back yard.

Leuba Ridgway
Leuba Ridgway 12 years ago

nice ! - should try for these myself...

Mark Ridgway
Mark Ridgway 12 years ago

Fabulous Elton. Thanks for sharing these.
I think you must be having a ball.

Elton_Wizard 13 years ago

Diatoms are single celled golden algae. Their defining features are the intricate patterns on their glass-like shells (frustules). You can get a hint of it around the edges of this one but the full effect isn’t really visible until you remove the inner structures, usually with a strong acid. Diatoms can be found pretty much anywhere there is water and there is a strong relationship between the genus found and the pH of the water. I hope to get a pH meter soon to see just what those boundaries are for the local critters.

ceherzog 13 years ago

Now, that's cool...can you educate us a bit about this?

Spotted by

Pennsylvania, USA

Spotted on Aug 27, 2011
Submitted on Sep 27, 2011

Spotted for Mission

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