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Thamnophis sirtalis sirtalis
Most garter snakes have a pattern of yellow stripes on a brown or green background and their average length is about 50 cm (20 in), maximum about 125 cm (49 in)
N. America
I spotted this along the Bruce Trail in Jordan Valley. It stayed very still while I was photographing it.
Fun fact! Most snakes have poor eyesight and rely on their senses of smell and touch to survive. Although they have nostrils to breathe with, snakes smell with their tongues; when a snake flicks out its tongue, it is collecting scents from the air around it, and when retracted, the forks touch the Jacobson's organ (a special sensory organ on the roof of the mouth), which identifies the scent, enabling the snake to recognize potential predators or prey.
Thanks harsuame, Asier and Arthur!
Beautiful photograph!
Nice shot!!!...
Grandiosa imagen
Thanks Lealiki!
Thanks everyone!
Very nice shots Dan. :)
Awesome set of pictures, Dan!
high quality as usual - fantastic shots, Dan
OMG!!!! SICK!!!!!!!
Thanks everyone. Yes, Ashish, I was blowing gently in its direction trying to get him to show his tongue.
wow love this red gr8 catch
It must be testing environment with tongue...!!
beautiful snake and great capture :)
Ha ha!
It's really funny to move quickly from photo 1 to photo 2....he jerks his wonderful forked-tongue right back in!
Thanks Jeremy
Thanks Karen and Lisa.
nice capture
Great shot!
wow beautiful snake !!