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Carrion Flower & Fly

Caralluma europaea


Very dry valley, between two rocks


A Stapelliad that is very rare in the area. This was the only plant we found at this location, but their penchant for crevices makes them pretty hard to spot. The flower also attracted some very small beetles but they didn't appear large enough to pollinate it. It would be nice to know what the fly (who certainly was doing the job) is.

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1 Comment

craigwilliams 12 years ago

Creo que he añadido la mayoria de mis spottings Españoles al mision. Echare un vistazo a los de mas cuando tengo oportunidad.

Spotted by

Níjar, Andalucía, Spain

Spotted on Apr 7, 2011
Submitted on Oct 8, 2011

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