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Tiger Moth

Grammia geneura


Outer wings are tan with a black patterns and may be round or pointed at the tips. Inner wings can carry a varying degree of hue from the vibrant pink and black (spotted here) to being almost an unmarked/colored.


This species was observed in the southwest in a high elevation (9000') scrubby desert area edge to the west by a large pinon forest.


I observed several of this species over the course of a month but had not seen any in the same area the year before or after. They appeared through June, mated, and died off / disappeared in July. Thanks to JuanDiTrani for proper species ID. I had the regional cousin the Harnessed tiger moth which is in the southeast.

1 Species ID Suggestions

Tiger Moth
Grammia geneura TIGER MOTH: Grammia geneura

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KarenL 13 years ago

Rebecca, me too - this is a fantastic site! :)

RebeccaSatterlee 13 years ago

Karen, thanks, was so stoked when I found this site.

Juan, thanks for the species. That is the local species variant.

KarenL 13 years ago

Pretty moth!
Welcome to Project Noah!

LaurieWinters 13 years ago

Beautiful design on it's wings.

Spotted by

Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA

Spotted on Jun 9, 2010
Submitted on Oct 10, 2011

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