A worldwide community photographing and learning about wildlife
Cladonota biclavata (male)
These tiny insects feeds on plant sap. They typically have an enlarged and adorned pronotum, sometimes with bizarre shapes, probably for mimicking with the environment or imitating other insects like ants.
55 Comments (1–25)
So cool!!!!
It looks crazy!
Thanks guys!
Very interesting!
WOW, ahora se que nececito una camara nueva
Thanks Chief RedEarth and Yuriana!
very strange creature and very nice spotting!
Amazing! I've never seen anything like it.
Wow!!!! Very crazy!!!
this is unique... never seen like this before. thanks for sharing JuanDiTrani
Fuera de serie:::
Continuing to be amazed by nature. Wonderful series, great eye!
Excellent capture!!
Thank you for joining the mission Juan!
What a fantastic little beastie - thanks JDT
Intriguing ! - why the shape?. Nature never ceases to amaze!! - thanks for sharing this.
I'm getting jealous of you guy..such a great pics with wonderful creature. But I will learn ..thank for sharing. :)
Thank you guys, I hope you have discovered what a wonderfull world the insects are!
Nice spotting, Juan...