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maybe a Zygopetalum?
I spotted this orchid only because a large tree had fallen over and I could all the epiphytes and plants that were on its branches. It also had mature seedpods on it. I spotted this near the village of Aranaputa.
Hermosa orquidea por favor agregala ala mission Orchids of the World
Oh really? Okay, then I'll wait to add an ID.
He said: 'don't think so'
Thanks Craig. I think it might be. I saw the other Kerfesteinia spot, I wonder if NicolasGutierrezMorales has any ideas?
Could be a Kerfesteinia no? http://www.orchidphotos.org/images/orchi...
Thanks Craig. You could be right. I'm not sure where to start.
This is gorgeous Dan! Such delicate markings. I know what you mean about Zygopetalum, that was my first thought too, but it has a very long column compared to the Zygo's I've seen. Perhaps another genus in Zygopetalinae ?