A worldwide community photographing and learning about wildlife
Eleodes obscurus
Found these guys walking around during the nocternal herp inventory. This one in particular caught our attention because he has this weird siphon sticking out of it's abdomen when others didn't. Any comment on what it is?
Hey Xu, nice photo of Sonora's Shoe. So glad you had a good time Blitzing. Thanks for all your great photos. Amy O
I thought so. Well you seem to of really enjoyed yourself, and that makes me glad enough. :)
No, it won't. The Sonoran Desert was chosen this year by the National Geographic and this year only. It was a good experience for those who took the opportunity though. I am certainly happy I did it.
That sounds like an exceptional experience, James! Lots of work, sure, but if you're doing what you love, that's not an issue at all. It most likely won't happen again in the Tucson area next year, right?
BioBlitz was a nice experience. I was an ambassador for the event and did a nocturnal herp inventory from 7-11 PM and then an 8 mile bird inventory from 6:30-1:30 the next morning which was an exhausting but rewarding opportunity. A bit unorganized, but overall a success.
These bring back memories... definitely in Arizona, and usually found in huge numbers too! Amazing find. How was BioBlitz, by the way?
Looks like an ovipositor. Wood wasps have them; they jam into wood and insert the eggs where they'll be protected. Maybe this is something similar.